Complications of non-treatment of Venous Ulcer
Venous Ulcers (VU) also called stasis ulcer or varicose ulcers are wounds that are thought to occur due to improper functioning of venous valves, usually of the legs (venous insufficiency). They are the major cause of chronic wounds, occurring in 70% to 90% of chronic wound cases. Venous ulcers (VU) develop mostly along the medial distal leg, and can be very painful.
Majority of the Venous ulcers are caused by Varicose veins (uncommonly deep venous reflux and previous deep venous thrombosis are contributing factors to the development of a venous ulcer VU also).
Complications of non-treatment of Venous Ulcer
Pain, infection, nerve damage, disability and loss of function of the affected leg and finally loss of the lower leg due to amputation.
Treatment Of Venous Ulcer
Ultrasound-Guided Foam clerotherapy: This is considered to be by far the most permanent and effective way of improving the venous circulation of the leg and the ulcer area with consequent healing of the ulcer, which can be achieved through non-surgical methods of Ultrasound-Guided Foam Sclerotherapy (see before and after photos) with or without combination with the endovenous laser ablaion. We have many examples of success in our clinic with this method. All other treatment methods used and mentioned below have shown to have very poor results or no improvement of the VU patients, like: Compression stockings, surgery (50% failure rate), Wound cleaning and dressings, antibiotics, etc… The reason for failure of these methods is very obvious, they do not improve the chronic venous insufficiency of the leg secondary to varicose veins!
If you have a Venous Ulcer, We can help you!