Radiofrequency Ablation Procedure
What are varicose veins?
Varicose veins are the large, “rope-like” veins which are often one-quarter inch or larger in diameter.
What causes varicose veins?
Varicose veins occur when veins are not properly returning blood from the lower leg to the heart. All veins have valves that open to allow the flow of blood to the heart and close to prevent back flow (otherwise know as “reflux”) of blood to the foot. When valves fail to function properly, blood leaks through and flows down the leg in the wrong direction. The blood overfills and distends the superficial veins under the skin, resulting in the bulging seen in varicose veins. The walls and valves of veins are thin and elastic, and can stretch due to a variety of conditions including pregnancy, heredity and age. When varicose veins become severe, it is referred to as chronic venous insufficiency. Symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency include aching pain, easy leg fatigue and leg heaviness, all of which worsen as the day progresses. Left untreated, chronic venous insufficiency can cause ulcerations which can be very difficult to treat.
The Radiofrequency Ablation procedure is a minimally invasive treatment alternative with less pain and less bruising when compared to traditional vein stripping surgery and laser treatment. Using the Radio-frequency system, physicians close the diseased veins by inserting the Radio-frequency catheter into a vein and heating the vein wall using temperature-controlled RF energy. Heating the vein wall causes collagen in the wall to shrink and the vein to close. After the vein is sealed shut, blood then naturally reroutes to healthy veins. Venous reflux or venous insufficiency develops when the valves that usually keep blood flowing out of your legs become damaged or diseased.
The Ablation procedure provides the following benefits for patients and physicians:
- Minimally Invasive Outpatient Procedure. Radio-frequency catheters are inserted into the vein via a tiny incision in the lower leg, eliminating the need for groin surgery and general anesthesia. The Radio-frequency procedure can be performed using local anesthesia in a physician’s office, as well as in an outpatient hospital setting or surgery center.
- Clinically Proven Less Post-Operative Pain. The Ablation procedure does not involve pulling the diseased vein from the thigh as with vein stripping surgery, or using 700° C laser energy which boils blood to occlude a vein as with endovenous laser (EVL)12. In the RECOVERY Trial, a multi-center head-to-head comparative randomized trial comparing the Ablation procedure with EVL, the Radio-frequency procedure was found to have less patient pain and less patient bruising than EVL for the best patient recovery experience available from a minimally invasive vein treatment.10 Additionally, in other randomized comparative studies have shown that patients receiving the Radio-frequency procedure return to normal activity and work significantly faster than those receiving vein stripping.
- Excellent Clinical Outcomes. The Radio-frequencyFAST catheter, which represents the latest advancement in the Ablation procedure, has been shown in a multi-center study to have a 97.4 efficacy rate at one-year.11 This shows that the treatment is highly effective and, as proven in the RECOVERY trial, is gentle on the patient.
- Cosmetically Appealing. Because treatment with Radio-frequency is minimally invasive and is catheter-based, it results in little to no scarring. As with any medical procedure, you are encouraged to review all safety information associated with the procedure by consulting your physician and Dr. Bashy.

This procedure improves the veins appearance, reduces the heaviness,achiness, swelling and itching in the legs related to venous insufficiency and prevents the formation of Venous ulcers in the legs.
Watch a video about Radiofrequency Ablation procedure.