9060 W. POST RD. SUITE 200, LAS VEGAS, NV 89148

Banish Facial Aging and Wrinkles – Love the Face You’ve Got

It would be ridiculous to become angry and depressed as you see the appearance of your face and neck changing with age. The skin thins with age and that, combined with loss of muscle tone gives your face a drooping appearance and an aura about you of tiredness, anxiety and depression.

las vegas wrinhles treatment

Dryness an Ongoing Threat

It doesn’t matter how well you care for your skin, you can’t eliminate those fine lines that gather as the years pile on, but you can retard their appearance. Dryness is a continuous threat to the outer surface cells of the skin. We all work in offices with air conditioners and then the skin is constantly losings its moisture in spite of its self-oiling system. Once you come out of our air conditioned office your skin is then at the mercy of the sun, the cold, and the wind.

Your skin is the body’s first line of defense against the elements and it needs to have its moisture constantly replenished. To living tissue like the skin, moisture is even more vital than food. Unfortunately our skin loses its ability to retain moisture as it ages, and past years begin to show far earlier than they should. Extensive research goes into producing products for the skin, and there is a product to suit all types of skin – normal, dry and oily. A lovely youthful bloom has a lot to do with the skin’s capacity to hold water. But unfortunately this becomes a problem when the skin ages. Despite the skin’s millions of tiny oil glands, more people complain of dry skin than other other beauty problem.

The Chance to Look Good

Visiting Las Vegas Aesthetic Specialty Center brings it own rewards. They offer a sampling of products which can help you look and feel your best, Dr M.H. Bashy and his skilled and experienced team offer you all the information you need. By choosing their facial aging and wrinkle treatments you can go forward with confidence. It is absolutely true that when we neglect our looks, however temporarily, we know from hard experience, that recovery from carelessness doesn’t happen overnight.

Your opportunities for looking good, whether male or female, have never been better at Vegas Cosmetics. The secret to good looks lies in preventing beauty problems through constant care. But even with constant care, problems from natural aging arise. The clinic and its staff are standing by to help you select the best treatments available. Looking good isn’t something static, you need to be constantly working at it, and in the 21st century, wonderful treatments are available. You can safely say that your looks depend largely on you.

About FotoFacials

One of the treatments offered by by Dr Bashy at Vegas Cosmetics is FotoFacials. You never have to stress about the caliber of the staff at Vegas Cosmetics or their credentials when offering treatments like this. Dr. M. H. Bashy is 100% above board. He is a Board Certified Internist from the American Board of Internal Medicine. He completed his medical training at reputable universities such as the Georgetown University. Make an appointment to see him and his team. The clinic offers a free consultation on all treatments and by calling them on (702)838-0444 you can discuss ways to make our face look and feel younger too.

A photo- or fotofacial is an effective skin treatment, making use of- and involving light energy. Visible light is flashed through the skin. The wavelength of light can vary, but it has awesome healing properties on the skin. Of course the first question of concern around this particular treatment is the light and dangers with cancer. But the light is non-ionising in nature, which means that it carries no cancer risk.

Its Like a New Complexion

The first benefits of your fotofacial treatment is the glow you get to your skin. Its like you are actually putting on a new complexion. This is because the skin appears soft in texture and the tone of the skin becomes smoother and more even. People who are unhappy with darker and lighter skin tones on their face will have this reduced too. Probably the biggest benefit when you opt to have regular sessions spread over a certain period is that there is also the tightening of skin.

When patients opt for this non-invasive procedure, they are delighted that the skin seems younger, there is a reduction in the size of the pores as well as in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

A Short Treatment towards Refreshed Skin

The fotofacial procedure is painless and takes roughly about 20 minutes after which the skin is cooled with ice packs and sunscreen. Once the session is complete, you may notice some redness and warmth for an hour or two after the session. This is perfectly normal.

Dr M.H. Bashy and his team have witnessed the impact of erasing years of fine lines, wrinkles and age spots from the skin, and how tired and dull skin starts to look fresh and bright. Fotofacials are usually performed in a series of 3 to 5 sessions scheduled with a few weeks between each one. With each treatment your skin becomes more youthful.

When people start visiting Vegas Cosmetics and they start looking younger, with sagging skin lifting and looking more lively, they become the talk of the town, and for good reason. They can’t cope with the new interest shown in them and the inquiries as to what has brought about the change. Why don’t you also take a step into a new life with must-have skin treatments that are also guaranteed to work for you and give you a radiant and even-toned complexion?