9060 W. POST RD. SUITE 200, LAS VEGAS, NV 89148

An Introduction to Ultrasound- Guided FOAM Sclerotherapy (UGFS)

According to Dr. Bashy of Las Vegas Vein Treatment Clinic, healthy veins are meant to carry blood to the heart through a series of valves. Normally the veins have a one-way valve so as to prevent backflow, but faulty valves allow the blood to flow backward and pool inside the vein. This is when pressure builds up in the vein, causing the vessel wall to weaken and the veins to bulge. Spider veins and varicose veins are our lot as we age, but they can develop as early as the 20s and 30s already. Although not in the same category as varicose veins, those broken red and purple lines spreading across our calves, thighs and our faces are also classified as ‘Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI), referring to circulatory problems in the legs.

Small spider veins are twisted blood vessels which are visible through the skin, taking their name from their resemblance to a spiderweb pattern. Varicose veins on the other hand are much larger twisted and swollen blood vessels, appearing as dark blue and unattractively sticking out from below the skin. These angry looking veins can develop because of several reasons, some of which are –

●age and genetics
●sun exposure
●the use of oral contraception
●an occupation that requires a lot of standing
●conditions that cause increased pressure in the abdomen such as constipation
●those with a history of blood clots

Better Health and Looks through a Vein Specialist

Apart from looking unattractive, you’ll often hear people with varicose veins complaining of aches and pains, throbbing, tingling and heaviness in the legs. Occasionally, varicose veins can form a painful blood clot accompanied by inflammation of the vein. This is a condition known as thrombophlebitis which occurs when a blood clot blocks veins, typically in your legs.

A clot in a deep vein increases your risk of serious health problems such as a dislodged clot or embolus which can travel to your lungs. So what can be done about these obnoxious veins? For starters, the first appearance of leg veins is the best time to start looking for treatment. If you leave your veins the situation gets worse. Ultrasound-guided FOAM Sclerotherapy is an effective method of treating large varicose veins where a foam sclerosant, which is a medicine that closes the vein, is injected into the problem vein.

Meet Your Vein Specialist

If this sounds a bit complex and intimidating, at the Vein Clinic of Las Vegas, nobody attends to your veins except the vein specialist himself. Dr. Majid Bashy, M.D. is an established Las Vegas vein specialist as well as being a cosmetic medical expert. This combination means you get your veins done medically professionally, but that the job has a cosmetic side to it as well in that you’ll look and feel fantastic ones you’re rid of those obnoxious veins.

Dr Bashy is in fact the founder of the first vein clinic in Las Vegas, Nevada and has performed more than 50,000 cosmetic sclerotherapy sessions and over two thousand varicose vein procedures, and all this without major complications. Now you can understand why he has been quoted as the ‘Best Vein Doctor in Las Vegas’ by many of his colleagues. Certainly he is the first physician in Las Vegas to use Foam-Sclerotherapy towards good leg vein health.

The Astonishing Rejuvenating Effects of Ultrasound-guided Foam Sclerotherapy

So why is Ultrasound-guided Foam Sclerotherapy used for the treatment of varicose veins? It is a non-surgical technique which is minimally-invasive and which is used to make your problematic veins shrink and also disappear. Medication is injected into the vein making using of ultrasound technology .The ultrasound probe tracks the needle entering the vein and ensures the injection happens in the right place. The dispersion of the foam is then tracked by ultrasound.

The beauty with UGFS is that it is a quicker and safer alternative to surgical stripping to treat varicose veins. People are delighted when they see the improved appearance of the veins, not to mention a reduction in the health risks associated with blood pooling.

The way it works is that the foam actually irritates the wall of the vein. The foam has advantages over liquid sclerotherapy in that less is used than liquid, and because it is visible on ultrasound, it can be guided to where it is needed.
Time for a New Look – But do it Safely!
It is mind boggling that with such an advanced vein treatment, the patient can actually resume normal activities in about 2 days. It is also a good idea to wear compression stockings after the treatment. With expert results, no scarring, long lasting results and minimal risk of side effects as well as benefiting from a world-class medical professional such as Dr Bashy, what are you waiting for? The amazing thing about this brilliant treatment is that you will also be at the Vein Clinic of Las Vegas for just an hour or two on the day of your treatment.

After treatment your leg may be a bit bruised and red and it may also be a bit tender to touch, but this is all normal and within a day or two you’ll be wanting to get back to all your regular activities.

A Comfortable, Pleasant Non-Surgical Experience

UGFS is highly effective and also safe, provided it is used appropriately and with a reputable doctor who works at a clinic renowned for the highest standards of patient safety and care. The Vein Clinic of Las Vegas is always one step ahead of the latest and most advanced treatment technology available and patients can always be guaranteed a comfortable, pleasant non-surgical experience which offers the best results.

This mild out-patient procedure has always required surgical removal. Not only that, until fairly recently, sclerotherapy was thought to only be effective for spider veins, but now with the use of duplex ultrasound, xrays are avoided and there aren’t all the disadvantages such as the risks, scars and high costs that you get with surgery. Duplex ultrasound is actually the success of this procedure when combined with an experienced medical practitioner.
Escape Your Web of Trouble
Manifesting as fine red or blue networks of veins, Spider veins are the bane of everyone, more so when they are so visible. They can develop gradually and if left untreated, can progress to varicose veins.

No matter how busy you are, take time out and get relief from those thinning vein walls that don’t only look very unattractive but are the cause of swollen and painful legs. Spider- and varicose veins CAN be treated simply by a Vein expert at the sought after Vein Clinic of Las Vegas to avoid deeper complications later on in life.